For Years My Neighbor Comes Home for 15 Minutes in the Middle of the Day — I Finally Dared to Take a Peek

Every weekday at 4 p.m., Caroline’s neighbors, Mike and Jill, performed a peculiar ritual. Curiosity built over a decade, Caroline finally decided to investigate. What she discovered through their open window was far from what she had imagined.

For ten years, I, Caroline, worked from home as a web developer. My desk offered a perfect view of my neighborhood, including my intriguing neighbors, Mike and Jill.

At 4 p.m. every day, their silver sedan would pull in, and they’d disappear inside their charming Victorian house for fifteen minutes. This routine sparked my curiosity.

One slow Wednesday, my curiosity got the best of me. The usual 4 p.m. scene unfolded, but this time, they left one curtain open. Unable to resist, I hurried to the open window.

Peering in, I saw Mike with a professional camera, photographing Jill. Suddenly, Mike noticed me, and Jill exclaimed, “Someone’s there!” Panicking, I rushed back home.

The next morning, Mike knocked on my door, holding a photo of me mid-fall. Embarrassed, I confessed my curiosity. Surprisingly, he invited me over.

Mike revealed their secret: he had promised to take Jill’s picture daily since they were 15, capturing their enduring love story. Touched by their ritual, I vowed never to spy again. Instead, their love story became a heartwarming reminder of the beauty in simple gestures.

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